Vehicles displaying a legal disabled person (DP) placard or DP license plates may park for free at LA County-operated beach and Marina del Rey parking lots only on non-holiday WEEKDAYS, Monday-Friday.
Free parking for disabled-parking placard/license plate holders is not allowed under the following conditions:
- on weekends or County holidays (actual or observed)
- at certain lots when the gate arm is down and there is no parking attendant present
Weekend & Holiday Parking Rates:
- Per the California Vehicle Code and DMV’s guidelines, the only free parking to which DP-placard holders are entitled is at on-street metered parking spaces.
- However, our department is pleased to grant DP-placard holders the additional privilege of free parking at our lots on non-holiday weekdays.
- Therefore, DP-placard holders must pay the full parking lot fees on County holidays and weekends.
- Review the full list of our parking lots and fees.
** Disabled Placard-holders must pay for parking at these lots on non-holiday weekdays whenever unattended and gate arm is down.
Below is a list of L.A. County holidays, when vehicles with disabled person placards must pay for parking at LA County-operated beach and Marina del Rey parking lots. Â Click here for parking rates.
NOTE:  If any of these holidays falls on a Saturday, that holiday is observed on the preceding Friday; and if any falls on a Sunday, that holiday is observed on the following Monday. (Ord. 96-0003 § 2, 1996.)
For the latest information about LA County holidays, call (310) 821-1081 or visit
- New Year’s Day | January 1
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | January – 3rd Monday
- Presidents Day | February – 3rd Monday
- Cesar Chavez Day | March – last Monday
- Memorial Day | May – last Monday
- Juneteenth | June 19
- Independence Day | July 4
- Labor Day | September – 1st Monday
- Indigenous People’s Day | October – 2nd Monday
- Veterans Day | November 11
- Thanksgiving Day & day after – November – 4th Thursday & Friday
- Christmas Day | December 25