Fog Signal

A fog horn and radio beacon are located at the end of the north jetty with 2 second fog blasts sounded every 20 seconds.

The horn is recognizable up to 1/4-mile from the harbor entrance at the breakwater.

The foghorn can be activated by clicking a VHF radio on channel 81A five times.

Doing so will activate the foghorn for 30 min.


Harbor Basins

Eight (8) basins lettered A through H are located in Marina del Rey.

Harbor Depth

The average harbor depth in Marina del Rey is 15-21 feet.


Shoaling conditions can exist at both north and south jetties. Shoal buoys have been placed to warn boaters of entrance hazards and boats should not pass inside marked buoys.

Anchored vessels adjacent to Marina del Rey entrance pose another hazard to navigation in reduced visibility and extreme caution is advised when transiting this area.

During the winter months, you can expect very low tides. Prudent boaters should consult local Tide Tables whenever they expect to traverse hazardous areas prone to shoaling conditions.

Boaters may contact the Marina del Rey Sheriff’s Station on VHF Marine Radio, Channel 16 or by telephone at (310) 482 6000 for updated information on the entrance conditions.

Navigation Lights

North Jetty

Green Light Flashes
Every 4 Seconds

North Breakwater

Red Light Flashes
Every 6 Seconds

South Jetty

Red Light Flashes
Every 4 Seconds

South Breakwater

Green Light Flashes
Every 6 Seconds


  1. NO WAKE ZONE – Maximum Harbor Speed is 5 nautical miles per hour.
  2. NO DISCHARGE HARBOR – All marine and port-a-potty waste must be retained on board for disposal at a designated pump out station or mobile pump out service.
  3. Contaminated bilge water, fuel, oil, solvents, etc. are not to be discharged into harbor waters.
  4. Anchoring is not permitted.
  1. Mooring buoys are not available.
  2. Motorcycle riding, bicycle riding, roller blading and skateboarding are prohibited on all docks and gangways.
  3. Yacht/dock repair technicians must register with the Harbor Master to receive a commercial service identification card.
  4. Fishing is not permitted on the docks. Fishing is allowed on berthed vessels and at designated fishing piers.
  5. No items are to be left or stored on the docks at any time.
  6. Vessels shall not extend over 4 feet from the vessel’s dock slip.
  7. Only minor emergency repairs and normal wash-downs are allowed on vessels in slips.
  8. Pets must be on a leash at all times when on the docks.
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