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Are fireworks allowed in Marina del Rey?

No fireworks are allowed at any time in Marina del Rey. This includes (but is not limited to) firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes, fireworks, or other explosive substances at any time. (County Code 17.04.60)

Can I film in Marina del Rey (other than family photos or videos)?

For information on all commercial film permits (movies, videos, stills, etc.) please call Film L.A. Inc. at (213) 977-8600.

Can I get married in Marina del Rey?

Contact (420) 526-7880 for information.

Can I ride a motorized vehicle or scooter on the bike path?

No motorized vehicles or electric scooters are allowed on the bike path.

Can you camp in Marina del Rey?

No overnight camping, sleeping, or loitering is allowed in any park, parking lot, or area of Marina del Rey. There is also no loitering in Marina del Rey between the hours of midnight and 6:00am.

The only exceptions are:

  • Approved Recreational Vehicles can park overnight only at the Dockweiler Beach Recreational Vehicle Park.
  • Boaters are allowed to stay onboard their boats at the Guest Boat docks if they have registered with the park office.

How long can I park my boat at the Guest Docks at Burton Chace Park?

Boats can use the 4-hour docks at any time.  The 4-hour dock zone is free of charge and registration is not required.

For the overnight docks, there is a limit of 7 nights within any 30-day period.  The docks are first-come first served, no reservations are taken.  You must register with the Park Office at (424) 526-7910.  Fees are based on boat length.  For additional information you can contact park staff at (424) 526-7910.

How much does it cost to launch a boat in Marina del Rey?

Launching a hand-carried small boat (such as a kayak, windsurfer, or small sailboat) is free at Marina “Mother’s” Beach.  There is 15 minute free parking on Palawan Way while launching.

The public boat launch ramp is located at 13477 Fiji Way (Basin H). Enter lot from Fiji Way (open 24 hours a day).  All vessels must be trailerable.


When unstaffed, please pay at the pay station located at the entrance, which accepts bills, coins, and credit cards (Visa and Mastercard).  The fee includes launching, recovery, and 24-hour parking.

  • Vehicles with trailers – $13 (24 hours)
  • Vehicles only –  $10 (24 hours)

All vehicles must have receipt displayed face up on driver’s side dashboard at all times while parked, one receipt for each 24-hour period, up to a maximum of 7 days.

Is amplified music allowed in Marina del Rey?

No amplified music is allowed in Marina del Rey, except for our free Summer Concert Series.  Certain events held at Burton Chace Park may obtain a permit for announcements.  Call (420) 526-7910 for information.

Is there anywhere I can fish without a fishing license?

Licensed fishing is permitted at the north and south jetties, as well as Venice Pier, which doesn’t require a license. Licenses and bait are easy to buy at West Marine and/or Marina del Rey Sportfishing, but be sure to bring your own fishing gear.

You can also visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s website at for fees and purchasing information.

Who is in charge of billing and accounts receivable for the Department of Beaches and Harbors?

Contact our Fiscal Section at (424) 526-7785.

Who manages the properties in Marina del Rey?

The County of Los Angeles owns the land of Marina del Rey, which is managed by the Department of Beaches and Harbors, and has leases with various private entities who build and manage properties on County land. For more information, please call (424) 526-7726.

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